publishedFebruary 4, 2025Web Scraping with AWS Lambda in Rustaws-lambdalambdaserverlessrustawsweb-scrapingHere you will learn how to start scraping the web with Rust, we will package and deploy it in AWS Lambda leveraging cargo-lambda tools.
publishedNovember 26, 2024Reduce AWS Lambda Cold Starts in .NETaws-lambdalambdaserverlessdotnetawsLearn how to drastically reduce your .NET aplication's cold start in AWS Lambda, or any other serverless environment.
publishedDecember 30, 2023Dynamic Pipelines in GitLabgitlabdynamic-pipelinesci-cdAs Continous Integrations and Deployments get more complex, you might need to create pipelines dynamically, let me show you how to do it in Gitlab.
publishedDecember 18, 2023AWS Invited Me To League Of Legends Worlds In Koreaawsaws-community-buildersleague-of-legendsworldsI never thought I would be able to go to Worlds, but AWS hosted me in Korea for the event. Let me tell you how I got into this adventure.